Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kick-it Spot: Bee Active Photos

This month the Kick-it Spot focused on "Beeing Active."
We wend on a bike ride all around the city. You may have seen us at the Arize Bookstore, Loring Park, or the 20 under 20 exhibit downtown MPLS! After the bike trip we went to the Dinkytowner for music and active festivities.

Max Haben, Young Son, and A.P. Classes rocked the house! There was also a surprise performance from our host, Hypel and poet Emgee!! We had an arm wrestling competition, Rap Twister, a communal rap about how we "bee active," planks and push up demonstration. All the sweat from the activities were wiped off with a Yo! The Movement golf towel.

Don't miss next months Kick-it Spot!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Bike Jones and Kick-it Spot!!!!

The EYS committee have planned double the amount of wilin' for you to get into this month!!

We're going to be having another Bike Jones!!! For those who don't know, EYS has been putting on bike trips around Minneapolis just as a chance for youth to get together, have fun, and be active!

This month's Bike Jones will be beginning at noon at Lake of The Isles, we will bike from there to Loring Park and then we will end up at the Dinkytowner for the KICK-IT SPOT!

*We're looking to have a potluck so if possible, please bring some food.

This months Kick-it Spot's theme is BEE ACTIVE. There will be a SELF DEFENSE LESSON from the CIRCLE OF DISCIPLINE, a PUSH UP contest, pool tables, a plank competition, ARM WRESTLING, art projects, and of course live performances!

Performers include Indigo, Max Haben, Young Son, and AP Classes and our host Hypel will be keeping in live all evening.

It's $6 at the door ($5 with a student ID).

For any further information or if you have questions/comments or suggestions see your nearest EYS member. You can always call the office at 612.874.9696 or email alicia@yothemovement.org.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hip Hop Fest Short

2008 Theme for 7th Annual Twin Cities Celebration of Hip Hop


As decided by the youth on the planning committee, this years theme will officially be:

SPEAK EASY: Healthy Communication in Our Community.

There are four focus areas under this theme:

1. What is being communicated to us and how to we decipher it so it is not a detriment to our growth (Clear Channel, BET, Advertising - media)?

2. How do we communicate with each other (conflict resolution between peers, families, elders)?

3. How do we communicate ourselves (public speaking, art, music, non-verbal communication)?

4. How do we communicate with authority (police, administration, legislators) safely and efficiently so we can create changes we want to see in our communities?

Big ups to Jacob for hooking up the name and much respect to the youth who brought it all together! Nice work guys!

This year we have decided to have

Local and National performances
DJ/dance/MC/production battle
Workshops around theme to build our community
Video booth to capture participants ideas around theme over the weekend
Fashion Show
Live painting
Stencil T-shirt Project

If you still want to join in on a planning committee, let me know. We will make room - YOUR input is needed for you and your peers!! Make YOUR face, the face of Yo!