Friday, May 9, 2008

Bike Jones and Kick-it Spot!!!!

The EYS committee have planned double the amount of wilin' for you to get into this month!!

We're going to be having another Bike Jones!!! For those who don't know, EYS has been putting on bike trips around Minneapolis just as a chance for youth to get together, have fun, and be active!

This month's Bike Jones will be beginning at noon at Lake of The Isles, we will bike from there to Loring Park and then we will end up at the Dinkytowner for the KICK-IT SPOT!

*We're looking to have a potluck so if possible, please bring some food.

This months Kick-it Spot's theme is BEE ACTIVE. There will be a SELF DEFENSE LESSON from the CIRCLE OF DISCIPLINE, a PUSH UP contest, pool tables, a plank competition, ARM WRESTLING, art projects, and of course live performances!

Performers include Indigo, Max Haben, Young Son, and AP Classes and our host Hypel will be keeping in live all evening.

It's $6 at the door ($5 with a student ID).

For any further information or if you have questions/comments or suggestions see your nearest EYS member. You can always call the office at 612.874.9696 or email

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